Videos can be viewed below: Vertical fire spread LBYS0000002; Fire spread on north face LBYS0000004; Fire spread on south face LBYS0000006; Fire spread on east face LBYS0000003; Fire spread on west face LBYS0000005

These reports are expressions of the experts’ opinions and it will be a matter for the Chairman of the Inquiry to decide what findings to make in the Phase 1 report, having heard all of the factual evidence as well as hearing from the experts in person. These expert reports are being examined by Inquiry at the oral hearings in the weeks of 19th and 26th November 2018 when the experts will give live evidence. In some respects the expert reports are provisional and will be subject to further work at Phase 2, as is made clear (where necessary) by a number of the experts in their reports.  The Inquiry will be seeking to establish with each expert during their oral evidence what further work is planned by a number of the experts at Phase 2 of their work.

Warning - Some people may find the content of this piece of evidence distressing.
> View this hearing
Witness: Professor Luke Bisby
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